Here is Part 2 of the Rensselaer
Model Railroad Society's New England Berkshire & Western. In 1987 when we
produced Great Model Railroads, Volume 1 only about
40% of the layout was done. Now 90% is finished, and this video concentrates on
the new areas.
1997 is the 50th Anniversary of the club and the 25th Anniversary of the layout.
This is the 4th version of the HO layout that's been built by students and friends.
Yet one man is more closely associated with the club than anyone else, John Nehrich
has been involved since 1968 and now works full time for the club. He has kept
the vision to build a railroad that is true to the original concept, even though
the layout has been continually refined over the years.
The layout features equipment
from the Delaware & Hudson and the Rutland to re-create a 1950s line running
between Troy and Chateaugay, NY. The mainline is over 7 scale miles.
John and the students have made the New England Berkshire & Western one of
the most photogenic and popular layouts in the country. Their skill and attention
to detail have made the NEB&W a Great Model Railroad.

This picture is an actual video frame captured from this video!
©1997 Allen Keller Productions |