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Micro-Trains® #096 00 000 Series
PS-2 3-bay covered hoppers

Replacement Nests and Replacement Boxes for this product line are available.

Road NameRoad #PictureMSRPPricePart #
11312$26.95 MTL-096 00 020
131494$23.95MTL-096 00 030
GNBC 1087$28.60 MTL-096 00 040
B&O 602903$33.60MTL-096 00 050
15331$24.55MTL-096 00 070
15355$24.55MTL-096 00 071
15$26.15MTL-096 00 090
80968$25.55MTL-096 00 101
80980$25.55MTL-096 00 102
72492$25.55 MTL-096 00 110
439034$27.95MTL-096 00 121
439068$27.95MTL-096 00 122
253862$28.80MTL-096 00 130
602904$25.95MTL-096 00 160
81676$29.80MTL-096 00 191
81700$29.80MTL-096 00 192
307881$28.40MTL-096 00 211
307889$28.40MTL-096 00 212

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