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N Scale Model Railroading
by Robert Schleicher
Part #CHI-702X N Scale Supply Price: UNAVAILABLE
N Scale may be small in size, but boosted by a great selection of ready-to-run products it has grown to become the second most popular model railroad scale. Thousands of fans have discovered just how much N Sclae fun you can pack into an apartment, a small bedroom or even a bookshelf.

This brand-new book is the most complete guide available for creating the N Scale layout of your dreams. You'll be introduced to the wide range of locomotives, cars and accessories, you'll learn how to build scenery quickly and easily, and you'll discover essential tips for flawless train operation.

Learn quick and easy ways to:

  • Lay sectional or flexible track
  • Create valleys or mountains with paper towels
  • Make "pour-it-from-a-bottle" streams and rivers
  • Repair locomotives, cars and track

This comprehensive guide includes track plans, step-by-step instructions and a host of new techniques and products that will help make your dream layout a reality.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: N Scale Model Railroading Chapter 6: Lightweight Benchwork
Selecting a Scale Styrofoam Benchwork
A Direct Comparison of O, HO and N Scale Railroads The Styrofoam Tabletop
Why Choose N Scale? Cutting Styrofoam With A Hot Wire
How Much Space Do I Need? Building the 6-by-6-Foot Union Pacific Layout
Avoiding Mistakes With Your N Scale Layout The Woodland Scenics Lightweight SubTerrain System
A Brief History of N Scale Building Roadbed Upgrades
Z Scale Trains Finishing The Fascia
Is N Scale Too Small To Build?
It's hobby, But Is It Fun? Chapter 7: Trackwork
Keep It Simple Three N Scale Track Systems
Do's and Don't for New Model Railroaders What Kind of Track?
Selecting the Right Turnouts
Chapter 2: Room For Your Railroad Turnout Positioning
N Scale in 2-by-4-Feet Vanishing Switch Machines
How Anyone Can Find Room for a 20-by-40 foot layout Beneath-The-Table Switch Machines
Layouts With NTRAK Modules Switch Machines for Styrofoam Layouts
Stand-Up Layout Space Turnout Wiring Fundamentals
Zero" Space Layouts Beside-The-Turnout Operations
Railroad Grades
Chapter 3: Your Model Railroad Laying Sectional Track
The "Union Pacific" Peddler Freight Layout The Surveyor's Task
Double The Size of Any Layout Track Alignment
Building Tabletop Layouts in Stages The Basic Tools
The Union Pacific, In Stages Mounting Sectional Track On the Tabletop
What Kind of Track? Laying Kato Uni-Track
Operations on the Union Pacific Layout Laying Flexible Track
Electrical Wiring Laying Cork Roadbed
Key to Industries and Features on the Union Pacific Layout (Figure 3-4) Laying Track On Cork Roadbed
Alliance to Emmett, "All Aboard!" The Train that Never Derails
An Imaginary Journey Cutting Roadbed and Ditches
"Points East" Caution, This Track is Fragile!
Meeting the Schedule Derailment Troubleshooting Chart
The Railfan Layout Design Do's and Don'ts for Track and Turnouts
The Yardmaster Mainline Layout
A "Permanent" NTRAK Layout Chapter 8: Control Panels and Wiring
Creating a Real Railroad in 22-by-40- Feet Walk-Around Control
Two-Rail Wiring Basics
Chapter 4: Track Planning "Frog" Systems
Point to Point Operations Wyes and Reversing Loops
A Matter of Space Wiring Fundamentals
A Minimum Radius for Curves Connecting the Wires to the Track
The Figure-Eight Plan Troubleshooting
The Double-Track Main Line Locomotive and Electrical Troubleshooting Chart
The "Out and Back" Plan Two-Train Control with Two-Wires
A Mainline Layout for Kato Uni-Track Conventional Two-Train Control
Designing Layouts with Track Sections "Common Rail" Wiring Systems
Do-It-Yourself Track Planning "Blocking" the Track
Reduce to Scale Blocking Switches
Clearance Reversing Sections
Planning Uphill and Downhill Grades Control Panels
Track Planning With NTRAK Modules Holding Tracks
Model Railroads Built From Modules Do's and Don'ts for Wiring and Control
Do's and Don'ts for Track Planning
Chapter 9: Structures
Chapter 5: Benchwork Structures as Essential 'Scenery'
Tables & Benchwork Special Plastic-Working Tools
Two Choices for Benchwork Assembling Plastic Structure Kits
Table Height Painting
Tabletop Layouts More Realistic N Scale Structures
Open-Grid Benchwork Assembling Laser-Cut Wood Kits
Legs For Open-Grid Benchwork Structure Conversions
NTRAK Modular Layout Benchwork Checking Buildings for Clearances
Do's and Don'ts for Benchwork
8-½" x 11"; Soft Cover; 223 Pages

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