Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe |
Road # ATSF 1209 |
34' Wood Sheathed Caboose w/Straight Cupola |
Part #MTL-51100 |
N Scale Supply Price: |
March 2004 |
Both regular and low-profile wheels are included |
with windows! |
This box car red
34 wood sheathed caboose with straight cupola runs on black
Bettendorf swing motion trucks and has white lettering. Built by
American Car & Foundry in the early 1920s, the Santa Fe Waycar
was a shop on road. With spacious crew accommodations complete,
small kitchens and large tool storage areas, containing everything
needed to get the train rolling again. These well built post WW1
waycars remained in service a long time, many spent their latter
years in local, branchline or MOW service through the 1960s. |
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Scale Supply catalog page for: Micro-Trains® 51000 Series