N Scale Logo Product Line: Atlas

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Fairbanks Morse H-16-44 Diesels



Prototype Information
H16-44s with the Loewy body were built from April 1950 thru 1953 when the body was changed to a spartanized version. Over 200 H16-44s were made for the US market, with 58 for Canada and 32 for Mexico.
  • Road Switcher
  • Trucks: B-B
  • Prime Mover: 1,600 horsepower Opposed-piston (OP) 8-cylinder/16-piston Diesel
Prototype photos can be found at: http://www.northeast.railfan.net/diesel35.html
Prototype Operators Manual: http://gelwood.railfan.net/manual/manual.html
Owning Railroads (not all are being produced by Atlas at this time):
Akron, Canton & Youngstown (#201-203 purchased 12/1951) photos
Baltimore & Ohio (#906, 907, 925-927, 6705-6709 purchased 12/1952 thru 03/1957) photos
Bosques de Chihuahua (#501, 1000 purchased 04/1955 & 12/1961)
Chihuahua Pacific (#501-525, 600-604 purchased 07/1955 thru 02/1963)
Canadian National (#1841-1858 purchased 03/1955)
Central of New Jersey (#1514-1517 purchased 07/1950) photos photos
Canadian Pacific (#8547-8556, 8601-8610, 8709-8728 purchased 06/1955 thru 03/1957) photos
DL&W (#930-935 purchased 12/1952)
Long Island RR (#1501, 1502, 1504-1509 purchased 10/1951)
Milwaukee (#400-436 purchased 01/1954 thru 02/1956) photos photos
Missouri, Kansas & Texas (#1591, 1731-1734 purchased 04/195 thru 10/1951)
New Haven (#560-569, 1600-1614 purchased 11/1950 thru 08/1956) photo
New York Central (#7000-7012 purchased 07/1951 thru 11/1951)
Norfolk & Western (formerly P&WV & Virginian) (#90-93, 110-149)
Pennsylvania (#8807-8816 purchased 04/1952 thru 05/1952)
P&WV (#90-93 purchased 12/1956 thru 01/1957)
Santa Fe (#2800-2819 purchased 03/1951)
Southern (#6545-6550, 2146-2155 purchased 12/1950 thru 12/1951)
Union Pacific (#1340-1342 purchased 08/1950) info
Virginian (#10-49 purchased 06/1954 thru 10/1957)
Model Information
Features include:
  • Bi-directional red and green LED classification lights that work in DCC and analog mode
  • Scale Speed™ motor
  • Factory-equipped with AccuMate® knuckle couplers
  • Painted safety rails
  • Blackened metal wheels
    Golden-white LED headlights


Atlas Master Series Gold Features:

  • ESU LokSound decoder, supporting all DCC programming modes.
  • Flexible mapping of function keys F0 to F31.
  • Follows all NMRA DCC standards and recommended practices.
  • Over 20 sound effects are available, including engine start-up
    and shutdown, prime mover sounds through all eight notches, bell,
    air horn, air compressor and more.

Road Name Road # Picture DCC /
MSRP Reservation
Price $
Part #
Jersey Central 18 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005520
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005538
19 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005521
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005539
New Haven (Post McGinnis) 593 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005522
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005540
594 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005523
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005541
New York Central 7001 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005524
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005542
7011 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005525
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005543
Long Island (Dashing Dan) 1501 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005528
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005546
1506 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005529
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005547
Pennsylvania 8810 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005530
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005548
8816 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005531
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005549
Southern (AGS) 6546 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005532
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005550
6548 Analog $139.95 $104.99 ATL-40005533
$249.95 $187.50 ATL-40005551


Road Name Road # Picture DCC /
MSRP Reservation
Price $
Part #
Early "Loewy" Body and Cab w/Sill Mounted Handrails
none Analog $119.95 ATL-52018
Early Body and Cab w/Sill Mounted Handrails
none Analog $119.95 ATL-40001856
$159.95 ATL-40001879
Early Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails
none   Analog $119.95 ATL-52019
Late Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails
none   Analog $119.95 ATL-52021
Late Body/Square Window Cab, w/Bodyand w/Sill Mounted Handrails
none   Analog $119.95 ATL-40001866
$159.95 ATL-40001889
New York Central †
Early Body & Cab, w/Sill Mounted Handrails
7009 Analog $104.95 ATL-52065
$139.95 ATL-52115
7010 Analog $104.95 ATL-52066
$139.95 ATL-52116
none Analog $104.95 ATL-52067
Early Body, Square Window Cab, w/Body & Sill Mounted Handrails

6547 Analog $104.95 ATL-52153
$139.95 ATL-52121
6549 Analog $104.95 ATL-52154
$139.95 ATL-52122
none Analog $104.95 ATL-52155
Penn Central (Black/White)
Early Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails
5158 Analog $104.95 ATL-52167
New Haven (Green/Orange "Full Balloon")
(Early Body & Cab, w/Sill Mounted Handrails)
597 Analog $119.95 ATL-52178
$159.95 ATL-52141
598 Analog $119.95 ATL-52179
$159.95 ATL-52142
Baltimore & Ohio (Blue/Yellow)
(Early Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails)
6700 Analog $119.95 ATL-52180
$159.95 ATL-52143
6701 Analog $119.95 ATL-52181
$159.95 ATL-52144
Erie Lackawanna  (Black/Yellow "Lackawanna")
(Late Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails)
1930 Analog $119.95 ATL-52182
$159.95 ATL-52145
1932 Analog $119.95 ATL-52183
$159.95 ATL-52146
1935 Analog $119.95 ATL-52184
Milwaukee Road (Black/Orange)
(Late Body/Square Window Cab, w/Body Mounted Handrails)
402 Analog $119.95 ATL-52185
$159.95 ATL-52147
404 Analog $119.95 ATL-52186
$159.95 ATL-52148
406 Analog $119.95 ATL-52187
New Haven 590 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001857
$159.95 ATL-40001880
592 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001858
$159.95 ATL-40001881
593 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001859
$159.95 ATL-40001882
New York Central 7000 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001860
$159.95 ATL-40001883
7003 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001861
$159.95 ATL-40001884
7011 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001862
$159.95 ATL-40001885
Southern 2150 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001863
$159.95 ATL-40001886
2152 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001864
$159.95 ATL-40001887
2153 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001865
$159.95 ATL-40001888
Santa Fe 3010 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001867
$159.95 ATL-40001890
3013 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001868
$159.95 ATL-40001891
3017 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001869
$159.95 ATL-40001892
Chihuahua al Pacifico 526 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001870
$159.95 ATL-40001893
529 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001871
$159.95 ATL-40001894
531 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001872
$159.95 ATL-40001895
Erie Lackawanna (DL&W Transition) 1930 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001873
$159.95 ATL-40001896
1934 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001874
$159.95 ATL-40001897
MKT (late repaint) 158 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001876
$159.95 ATL-40001899
159 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001877
$159.95 ATL-40001900
160 Analog $119.95 ATL-40001878
$159.95 ATL-40001901
† Officially Licensed Product

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