N Scale Logo Product Line: Atlas

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Prototype Information
The Trinity 3230 Pressure Differential (PD) covered hopper is essentially a smaller version of TrinityRail’s 5660 PD. The smaller version was developed from the base design introduced by Thrall Car in the late 1990s.
The smaller size enables the cars to be loaded with heavier ladings such as cement and various grades of fly ash. Most of the cars are operated by Railcar (Leasing) companies or Shippers
Model Information
  • All new tooling
  • Ready to run
  • Injection molded plastic
  • Fine scale detail
  • Etched metal roofwalks
  • Crisp painting and printing
  • Magnetic couplers
  • Metal wheelsets

Road Name Road # Image MSRP Our $
Part #
Chicago Freight Car 3085 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 204
3089 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 205
3092 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 206
3100 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 207
Roanoke Cement 121 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 208
133 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 209
137 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 210
140 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 211
Trinity Industries Leasing 30116 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 212
30120 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 213
30125 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 214
30129 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 215
TXI 65000 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 216
65004 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 217
65005 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 218
65006 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 219
General American 62758 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 220
62763 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 221
62766 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 222
62772 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 223
CIT Group 440506 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 224
440507 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 225
440512 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 226
440522 $47.95 $4076
ATL50 006 227

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