BLMA has reviewed
an endless assortment of E and F unit locomotive photos to make
sure this set had ALL of the essential details needed to fully replicate
THREE locomotives. Realizing there were different styles of many
common components, this set of details includes multiple styles
of generic parts which gives the modeler options to create a prototypically
correct model.
- Etched
in .005" stainless steel for maximum detail & durability.
- Extremely
Accurate Dimensions
- Numerous
Details Not Yet Available in N Scale
- Completes
THREE Models!
Parts Included
- Cab Sunshades
- Rear View
Mirrors (3 styles!)
- Cut Levers
- Ladder
Grab Irons (4 styles!)
- Windshield
- Curved
Grab Irons Above Windshield
- MU Hoses
- MU Cable
Receptacle Covers
- Tall Grab
- Cab Side
Mounted Walkway
Custom Curved Grab Irons