RoadRailer® Trailers
The RoadRailer is a combination highway trailer / rail car built by Wabash National in Indiana. After being loaded at various freight docks, RoadRailers are driven on the highway to a collection point where a crew of three assembles them into a RoadRailer train. Each trailer is backed onto a bogie (a roller bearing truck with a saddle atop the bolster) and the tires are retracted up against the floor. The front of each RoadRailer leans on the back of the one in front of it creating, in effect, a single articulated car up to 125 units long. RoadRailers run in solid unit trains and on the back of Amtrak passenger trains. At the front of a block of RoadRailers, a device called a CouplerMate is used. This consists of a truck with a platform and railings, brake gear, a tool box and a standard coupler for connecting to a locomotive.
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