This typical American small town hardware store
features beautifully detailed hydrocal castings, full
color signs (including the sandwich board sign advertising
TVs for the front of the store), plastic doors
and windows, a small stretch of weathered sidewalk,
complete, easy to understand painting and weathering
instructions and even a small TV so you can detail the
store front window. Randy spent a lot of time on the
master patterns for this kit & feels it is among
his best work ever.
Method: Cast Hydrocal plaster walls, plastic door
& windows and full color paper signs and awnings.
Construction Time: Modelers of average skill
should be able to finish this kit in 2 or 3 evenings.
Easy to understand step by step instructions are provided
to walk you through each step of construction, from
gluing the kit together to final painting and aging.
Tools Required: Hobby knife, sanding block, 5 minute
epoxy, super glue, paint brushes.
Finishing: Flat white spray paint (to seal the
castings) and water based artists acrylics.