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Locomotive Servicing Terminals
by Marty McGuirk

Part #KAL-12228 MSRP $19.95 N Scale Supply Price: $15.25
The Golden Years of Geeps
For most model railroaders, the locomotive is the single most important element of the layout. Given this overriding interest in steam and diesel power, it's no surprise that many model railroaders want to include a locomotive servicing area somewhere on their railroad.

After all, it's around the locomotive servicing terminals - in the roundhouse, on the turntable, under the coaling tower, or at the fueling racks - that the pace of railroading slows down enough for us to get a close-up look and really study the fine details of locomotives and their operations. It stands to reason that such a place makes an ideal centerpiece for any model railroad layout.

In the pages of The Model Raileroader's Guide to Locomotive Servicing Terminals, you'll find a combination of prototype and modeling reference data, photographs, and illustrations that will help you add the visual excitement and operational interest of a steam- or diesel-era locomotive servicing facility to a model railroad of any size or scale. What's more, you'll also find a number of modeling projects that you can follow step by step and end up with realistic, yet relatively simple, additions to your layout.

8¼" x 10-3/4", 80 pages, 50 black & white photos, 125 color photos, soft cover


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