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Facts, figures,history, and operations
of North American Railroads
Part #KAL-01318N Scale Supply Price: $25.19
New: Nov 2022

Get your questions about railroads and railroading answered in this all-in-one reference guide! Railroading is a complex industry that can be difficult to understand, and this book explains and examines its many areas in an easy-to-understand format.

This comprehensive guide explains all facets of prototype railroads and railroading in easy-to-understand terms with lots of photos and illustrations. While exploring the complex railroading industry, this book features:

Common statistics such as mileage, weight limits, and tonnage hauled.
Brief history of railroad routes and mergers.
Explanations of railroad operations including dispatching.
Descriptions of various railroad jobs and how they’ve evolved.
And much more!

The Railroading Handbook is a must-have for railfans and model railroaders alike!

Author: Jeff Wilson
Size: 5.375 x 8.375
Pages: 352



Chapter 1: Railroad history and operations

Chapter 2: Locomotives

Chapter 3: Rolling stock

Chapter 4: Railroad rights of way and details



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