Introduction Chapter
1: Building a wooden arched truss bridge Bernard Kempinski Chapter
2: Build an interlocking scene John F. Ciesla Chapter
3: Saving Peerless Tanning Lou Sassi Chapter
4: Modeling where rail meets water Paul J. Dolkos Chapter
5: Modeling an old station Alex Belida Chapter
6: Backdrops bring a snowy scene to life Mark Dance Chapter
7: Pop-up railcar scrapping M.R. Snell Chapter
8: Filling in the background Dominic Bourgeois Chapter
9: Building an offline customer James McNab Chapter
10: Diamonds in the tracks Todd Hermann Chapter
11: Building from inside out Ron Hoess Chapter
12: Building Fishermans Wharf Harvey Simon Chapter
13: Scratchbuilding a brass locomotive Andrew Dodge Chapter
14: Engine no. 18 in Kingfield Lou Sassi |