Pennsylvania Railroad |
Road # 19103 |
40' Standard Box Car, Plug Door |
Part #MTL-021 00
886 |
N Scale Supply Price:
July 2012 |

This 40’ standard box car is painted
PRR Tuscan red. It displays ‘PENNSYLVANIA’ in large white lettering
to the left with the ‘Shadow Keystone’ logo to the right. This
X-54 insulated box car was constructed at Samuel Rea Shops during
1960 and has an inside length of 40’. The X-54s were equipped
with the Evans Quick Loaders. This device consists of two gates
mounted on the ceiling of the car. They could be brought down
like an overhead garage door and positioned to secure the lading
by locking the belt rails on the sides of the car.
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N Scale Supply catalog page for : Micro-Trains® #21000 Series