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Rock Island Road # RI 18308
34' Wood Sheathed Caboose w/Straight Cupola
Part #MTL-051 00 140 N Scale Supply Price: Sold Out
New: January 2007

This 34’ wood-sheathed caboose with straight cupola is painted box car red with black and white logo and white lettering. It was built in June 1938 and runs on swing motion caboose trucks. Caboose use has declined and seldom seen on trains, except on locals and smaller railroads. The caboose provided the train crew with a shelter at the rear of the train. They could exit the train for switching or to protect the rear of the train when stopped. The caboose provided minimal living quarters for longer trips. Cabooses were non-revenue equipment and were often improvised or retained well beyond the normal lifetime of a freight car.

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