Chesapeake & Ohio |
Road # C&O 272189 |
50' Auto Box Car w/Double Side Doors & End Doors |
Part #MTL-78070 |
N Scale Supply Price:
Sold out |
Reprint: July 2002 |
Both regular and low-profile wheels are included |

50' auto box car with double side doors and end door was built in April
1941. At that time it was marked for general service as a Class XM box
car. In December 1960 it was serviced and repainted in this scheme of
dark blue with white lettering and logo. When it was serviced, at the
Wyoming shops in Michigan, the end doors were not in use. The 4,629
cu ft, 100,000 lb capacity box rolled on Bettendorf trucks. After WWII,
C&O was in the forefront of forward-looking railroads, hence the
C&O for Progress logo seen on the side of this car.
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to N Scale Supply catalog page for: Micro-Trains®