Series Cars | 50'
Standard Box Car, Single Door |
#MTL-031 00 071 |
N Scale Supply Price:  |
This 50
standard box car with Youngstown door is painted black Chessie cat monogram and
Chessie script herald. Letteringis in yellow. This car, first of six in the Cameo
Car Series, was built in May 1956 by Pullman Standard and serviced in May
1956. It runs on roller bearing trucks. All of the Cameo Series car designs feature
varying widths of Yellow striping along with monograms and the recently adopted
Futura Demi-Bold font. Five of the six cars received two different
schemes per side. These Cameo schemes were intended to promote
Chessies (LCL) less-than-carload service. | | |
Part #MTL-031 00 072 |
N Scale Supply Price:  |
| This
50 standard box car with Youngstown door wears two of the experimental paint
schemes, each side similar with the colors reversed. The shape used here is
a diagonal chevron shape across each side, adorned with the Chessie
kitten. Lettering is in yellow and blue. This car, second of six in the Cameo
Car Series, was built in May 1956 by Pullman Standard and serviced in
May 1956. It runs on roller bearing trucks. All of the Cameo Series car designs
feature varying widths of yellow striping along with monograms and the recently
adopted Futura Demi-Bold font. Five of the six cars received two different
schemes per side. These Cameo schemes were intended to promote Chessies
(LCL) less-than-carload service. | | |
Part #MTL-031 00 073 |
N Scale Supply Price:  |
| This
50 standard box car with Youngstown door wears two of the experimental paint
schemes, each side with color blocks of unique dimensions. This car, third
of six in the Cameo Car Series, was built in May 1956 by Pullman Standard
and runs on roller bearing trucks. All of the Cameo Series car designs feature
varying widths of yellow striping along with monograms and the recently adopted
Futura Demi-Bold font. | | |
Part #MTL-031 00 074 |
N Scale Supply Price: |
50 standard box car with Youngstown door wears two of the experimental paint
schemes, each side with MOW gray and yellow bands. The right side of the car
bears the C&O logo; the other side with the Chessie logo. This car, fourth
of six in the Cameo Car Series, was built in May 1956 by Pullman
Standard and runs on roller bearing trucks. All of the Cameo Series car designs
feature varying widths of Yellow striping along with monograms and the recently
adopted Futura Demi-Bold font. | | |
Part #MTL-031 00 075 |
N Scale Supply Price: |
50' standard box car with Youngstown door wears two of the experimental paint
schemes, each side C&O dark blue with 12" and 36" yellow bands each
on a different side. Each side bears the Chessie kitten emblem. The car is lettered
in blue on yellow and yellow on blue. This car, fifth of six in the 'Cameo Car
Series,' was built in May 1956 by Pullman Standard and runs on roller bearing
trucks. All of the Cameo Series car designs feature varying widths of Yellow striping
along with monograms and the recently adopted "Futura Demi-Bold" font.
| | | Part
#MTL-031 00 076 |
N Scale Supply Price: 
Due: Sept 2008

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