N Scale Supply Web News & Announcements |
Micro-Trains® Discounts: In an effort to make our Preferred Customer Program more effective we have decided to discontinue the 25% discount on new Micro-Trains® cars in the first month they are released. Instead they will be priced at our standard 20% Micro-Trains® discount and the purchase will now apply towards the 5% rebate of the preferred Customer Program.
Newsletter News: N Scale Supply will no longer be printing & distributing a Paper Newsletter, instead we will be concentrating our efforts on our web site. In particular we will focus on this 'What's New' web page. The cost of printing and distributing the paper newsletter was over $1.00 per copy. Since N Scale Supply had to split our resources between the paper version and this web page version, we didn't feel that either was getting the proper attention.
Pictures from the NMRA Convention in Kansas City
deLuxe innovations was showing off a sample of their upcoming Road Railers. Expected to be available this fall. They are spending a lot of development time making sure these will run in very long configurations (100+). Pricing and packaging options are yet to be determinded.
N Scale Supply has attempted to provide accurate information within this newsletter. We cannot be held responsible for typographic errors, omissions, or other mistakes. Quantities may be limited, please call or email for availability. Prices may change without notice.
New Product Info & Web Pages for September 1998 |
Taking Advance Reservations for these Products |
August 1998 Newsletter
Past Issues of Newsletters
© Copyright 1997, 1998 by Solution Development, Inc.
N Scale Supply is a division of Solution Development, Inc.