Shipping Rate Changes:
Every year in February UPS raises their rates. UPS has also decided to collect
an additional $1.00 for a large number of residential addresses. They already
charge $1.00 for any residential delivery, now they want $2.00 for a large portion
of these as well. This year has also seen an increase from the US Postal Service
as well. Our shipping charges have been increased to account for this as well.
I have lowered the packiing fee for small orders to compensate for some of this.
Our new rates go into effect on March 25th. Please check our Shipping
Information page for details. |
Newsletter Format
Change: Please note that I have changed the format
of this newsletter page slightly. In the past this page contained the latest 30-60
days of product releases and news. Now it only contains the current months information,
but has a link at the bottom to lasts months Newsletter Page. At the bottom of
last months page is a link to the previous month. This forms a continuous link
of pages back in time. So to get caught up on product news and releases you can
just scan backwards through the chain of pages until you hit familiar ground.
N Scale Supply has attempted to provide
accurate information within this newsletter. We cannot be held responsible for
typographic errors, omissions, or other mistakes. Quantities may be limited, please
call or email for availability. Prices may change without notice. |