73' Centerbeam
Four Body Styles

Open Panel Style

Opera Window

Standard Style

From the Red Caboose web site....
Modelers refer to bulkhead flat cars with a center beam connecting the
ends as a 'Centerbeam' flat car. The words 'Center Beam' are actually
trademarked by Thrall who was an early pioneer in developing these widely
used cars. Today, Thrall along with Gunderson, National Steel Car, Trinity
and others make different variations of these earlier designs, each
company's design a little different adding variety. These cars are used
to carry lumber, trusses and other
building materials, sometimes wrapped and sometimes exposed to the elements.
1986 was the beginning of construction for the 73' 'Center Beams'. 'Opera
Window' and 'Truss' designs for the center beam have both been used
in car construction. The Red Caboose 73' car uses the basic truss design
for it's first release which will be followed in the fall of 2002 with
the release of the 'Opera Window' version.
For modelers creating a scene with these
cars, always remember to have your fork lift operator load and unload
the cars evenly. If you don't, the car will roll over!

Click here for loads by Columbus
Road Name |
Image |
Our $ |
Part # |
Union Pacific |
$22.95 |
RED-RN-16503 |
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