Miller's Feed
& Seed is based on the Modoc County Co-operative Association
Building in Alturas, California. The prototype building still stands
in a state of dis-repair next to the Mainline with the Rail Spur
such as it is still in place. The building is in the North part
of town off what was once the SP Modoc Branch that ran from Klamath
Falls, Oregon through Alturas to Fernley, Nevada.
Also included
in the kit are graphics that allow the modeler to model this historic
structure as the Modoc County Co-operative.
Kit Features: Laser Cut Structural Components, Doors, Cedar Shake
Roof, Peel 'n Stick Paper Roofing, & other Details & Components.
Also Featured
are Grandt Line Windows & Paper Graphics.
This kit offers the modeler with several switching possibilities.
The Rail Head is large enough to accept 3 Rail Cars at
each at the Freight Doors located on each end of the building &
a third in the middle at the Grain Loading Facility located at the
rear of the Elevator part of the structure.
6" x 13 1/2